Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Play Piano and Improve Your Life!

If you have always dreamed of learning how to play the piano, your interest may be due to hearing the lovely sounds that the instrument can produce when played by a talented musician. This article will outline a number of reasons for you to get busy and start learning how to play, or to get your children started in regular piano lessons.

There's no reason to ignore the reasons just mentioned - if you love to hear piano music being played, your feelings will only deepen when you learn how to play the piano yourself. And when you reach the point that you can play one of your favorite pieces or you have the skill to improvise a piece of your own music, your understanding of the wonders of playing the piano will become even more clear, and you will learn to appreciate the instrument even more.

Then there's the social aspect of knowing how to play the piano. It may be awhile before you're asked to play in front of other people, but the ability to play a few bars of a children's song can add a lot to family music-making nights! And because the piano is easily the best instrument for accompanying others, there will always be someone around to make music with.

Another benefit of learning the piano is that it is so versatile. When you start to learn the music arrangements for the piano, you will also learn a lot about other kinds of music, such as pop, orchestral, folk music, and more. You can find any type of music that you like already converted into piano arrangements.

And since the piano can produce harmonies, it can help you learn a great deal about music theory, which adds to your comprehensive musical understanding. All of this brings us to one of the greatest benefits that can be had from playing the piano: it allows you to exercise both your mind and body. Practicing the hand-eye and hand-eye-feet coordination that is necessary to play the piano is a wonderful way to keep your mind sharp. And when you memorize or sight-read music, your mental acuity gets a real workout.

If you have the proper posture when you're sitting at the piano, you can strengthen your fingers, arms and your back. All of this contributes to your ability to concentrate and discipline your mind. So take piano lessons - but be careful not to get ahead of yourself - and before long your self-esteem will get a huge boost. In time you will have a feeling deep within that you are capable of doing anything!

1 comment:

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